Frank McCarroll Owner / Head Instructor
- Masters Degree in Education
- 5th degree Black Belt Isshin-ryu Karate from Arcenio Advincula
- 2nd degree Black Belt JKA Shotokan Karate from Hidetaka Nishiyama
- 2nd degree Black Belt Shorinji Kempo under Terou Onogi
- 1st degree Black Belt Kodokan Judo under Seichi Nakajima
- Purple Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jistu from Alfredo Barum
- 23 years experience as a professional educator (19 years in Special Education)
- Instructor of the Year 2012-2013 for The Institute of Effective Education
Frank McCarroll started his martial arts journey in 1991 with Isshin-ryu Karate under Detroit karate legend Willie Adams. After wrestling in high school, he was looking for a similar outlet and fell in love with karate from the first lesson. In 1995 he received a scholarship from the Japanese Ministry of Education to study at Josai Kokusai University in Chiba, Japan. In 1996 Frank graduated Cum Laude from Western Michigan University with a double major in English Literature and Asian Civilizations. After graduation, he returned to Japan for 3 more years to work for the Saitama Prefecture Board of Education as an English teacher at Hatoyama Senior High School. In 2001 he relocated to San Diego and started working as a Special Education Instructor at The Institute for Effective Education (TIEE). While teaching adaptive karate at TIEE, he recognized the numerous benefits of martial arts training for people of all ages and abilities. In 2010 he opened Practical Karate with the goal of using martial arts to create happy, healthy, successful, and socially responsible students.