Private Karate Classes for Kids in San Diego with Sensei Frank McCarroll

Got a Busy Schedule, Want your Kid to train Karate, Private Karate Classes for Kids in San Diego

Here we have Sensei Frank McCarroll giving a private Karate Lesson to a 4 year old in San Diego. Sensei Frank McCarroll practices the basics and fundamentals of Practical Karate but also takes time to work on your child’s development skills like hand-eye coordination.


Sensei Frank McCarroll takes his time with each and every student, but in a private Karate class for kids, your child gets Sensei Frank McCarroll %100 attention and knowledge. With a private karate lesson your child will have more fun games for the kids like 1 on 1 Noodle fighting and 1 on 1 training through the obstacle course. Sensei Frank McCarroll provides scheduled Karate classes for Kids, but if your schedule does not fit into a scheduled Karate class, you can contact Sensei Frank McCarroll for a private karate class for your child –

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The Benefits of Karate Classes for Kids in San Diego

The benefits to Karate Classes for Kids

karate-classes-for-kidsThe martial arts films created by Hollywood depict martial arts in a way that seems to condone and even encourage violence, this couldn’t be further from the true teachings of the martial arts way. In fact, martial arts promotes a strong sense of discipline and self-control in children from all walks of life today. This is why many parents use Karate lessons for kids to help instill in their own children these very valuable character traits.

There are a number of reasons as to why Karate lessons for kids should be used in training kids today and they include:

  • An Increased Self-Discipline – This is something that most children fall incredibly short in these days, but this can easily be changed when utilizing the teachings of a martial arts program. The foundation of all forms of martial arts is a total focus on self-discipline and Karate is no different. In a time when children are led to believe that instant gratification is the norm, martial arts teachings can provide a very healthy alternative.
  • Greater Socialization Skills – Martial arts programs, like Karate, provide children who experience difficulties in the area of making new friends with a healthy environment to enhance their socialization skills in. Typical environments, such as the playground at school, are filled with individual children with different objectives and goals, but the atmosphere at a Karate class is one of common goals and shared pursuits. This is why martial arts programs work miracles in the area of building a child’s socialization skills.
  • An Increased Self-Esteem – A child’s confidence level is greatly affected by their surroundings as well as the activities that they participate in. This directly influences their level of self-esteem which is also why martial arts is the perfect tool for building up the self-esteem in children from all walks of life. As a child masters new Karate moves, and moves up in the ranks of the different belt colors, he/she will experience a boost in confidence that can be worth more than anything else that can affect a child’s self-esteem levels.
  • An Improved Ability To Listen – This is a very important skill that children must learn to develop over time. If it has not been taught prior to beginning a martial arts program, it will surely be taught during the program. The only way that a child will be able to move up in the ranks is by closely following the instructions given by those leading the program. Listening will quickly become second nature simply by enrolling your child in Karate lessons for kids.

Karate for kids is a tool that any family would benefit from and this is a fact that will not soon change. For information on Kids Karate Lessons at Practical Karate, contact us at –

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Karate Classes can Provide Fun while Keeping Kids Mentally and Physically Fit

Why Choose Karate Class For Kids with Practical Karate

Karate for the most part is generally thought of as simply a form of unarmed/self defensive combat. But karate also offers mental benefits while making each individual physically ready to handle a variety of combat situations. At a very young age karate can be very beneficial in assisting with your child’s developments. Kids love karate and the expression on their faces at movie Karate Kid can attest to that. Getting your child enrolled in karate classes will not only boost their confidence, but also provide a self preserving, physically and morally beneficial activity for your child.

Karate has many benefits that most people aren’t aware of, but there’s a lot more to karate than meets the eyes. Some of the many benefits karate can directly be attributed to are : improved reflexes, increased performance in all activities, improved balance, which we all know kids can never get enough of, cardiovascular exercise, increased strength and stamina and last but not least the ability to defend oneself. As you can see karate might be just what your child needs. Obesity affects millions of Americans every year and the last thing any parent would want is for their child to be effected by this due to “couch potato syndrome” and karate classes can provide them with something fun to do while keeping them mentally and physically fit, minus the drill sergeant.

When it comes to karate classes there are a lot of selections available. For example there is what you called “no hands or no contact” Karate classes. Where the principles of karate will be thought but there are strict rules of “no contact”. If you live in the San Diego area Practical Karate located on 4903 Morena Blvd San Diego, 92117 has a karate class for kids and adults, they also have an adaptive karate course specifically designed to cater to the needs of children with special needs.

Many people believe you also have to pay alot for a karate class for kids but this is not the case with Practical Karate. Some of the price packages being offered for kids are monthly passes for only seventy five dollars, ten class packs for one hundred and twenty dollars, twenty class packs for two hundred dollars and a single fee for ten dollars. For only ten dollars if you live in the San Diego are and have been look for a karate class for kids, simply try them out just once. For more information on Karate Classes for Kids in San Diego, please visit Practical Karate at

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School has Started and Karate is the Perfect After School Sport

After School Karate with Sensei Frank McCarroll

It is that time of year again and our little ones are headed back to school. For most parents planning your child’s after school activities can be frustrating at the least. Finding an activity that your child likes and can benefit from can tough and challenging. Sensei Frank McCarroll at Practical Karate offers Karate for Kids in San Diego.

Sensei Frank McCarroll received his Masters of Science in Special Education from National University in 2011. Martial Arts Experience Sensei Frank McCarroll started his martial arts training in 1991 under Detroit Karate legend Grand Master Willie Adams. Since then he has actively continued training in Isshinryu Karate under Master Adams and one of his top students, Sensei Michael Schaefer.

He currently holds a 3rd Dan (3rd degree black belt) rank under Sensei Adams. In 1995 McCarroll received a scholarship to attend Josai International University in Chiba, Japan. He lived in Japan for a total of 4 years where he studied Shorinji Kempo and Judo. While in Japan he was awarded a 2nd Dan by the Japan Shorinji Kempo Association under the instruction of Sensei Kenzoo Oonogi. He also achieved a 1st Dan from the Kodokan Judo Association under the instruction of Sensei Seichi Nakajima.

With many years of experience and expertise, Sensei Frank McCarroll knows how to structure after school sports in San Diego. McCarroll knows how to help your child with coordination and knows how to make exercise fun for your child. Try an after school sport for your child that teaches structure, boots your child’s self esteem and can also protect him or her when dealing with school bulling. Its important to know your child can take care of them selves and can be safe at school as well as enjoy a fun sport after school. Try Practical Karate with Sensei Frank McCarroll.

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Karate Classes For Kids

Karate Classes For Kids by Practical Karate San Diego

karate-classes-for-kidsAre you at a loss as to how to bring about any change in your kid’s physical health? Is it impossible to make them behave well? For kids, karate classes teach combat practices for a variety of reasons – to be disciplined, to compete with one another, for self defense, to improve physical as well as mental health and improve overall well-being. Karate teaches the helpful skills to make kids responsible for their own protection. It provides practical ways for them to respond to attacks from strangers with rudeness and weapons and kidnap attempts. More important, they will find an overall approach to be conscious and knowledgeable about their surrounding and act wisely in case of trouble.

Techniques and theories by themselves are not enough to bring about change over the long term while learning Karate. Modern karate classes, because they are effective and teach the right type of karate moves, have adopted state-of-art lessons for their students. Karate classes for kids involve tae kwon do, aikido, kung fu and many other versions of martial arts that teach the kids to focus on fitness, socialization and self-discipline skills. People who are often overwhelmed and consider these skills as something that promotes violence are clearly misguided. While this position of “being scared” can be understood, parents can do more than the assumption as Karate has been proven to bring self-control and focus for many kids that have attended. In fact, karate has brought positive impact on children suffering from ADHD and other anxiety and socializing disorders.

What a typical class of pre-defined duration offers is a coherent, well-founded set of move for children to use in case of emergency. The class starts and ends with a bow to the teacher – a traditional gesture that is in practice since the ancient times. This is followed by kicks, blocks and punches that require concentration, strength and focused attention.

Progress in the karate class is often acknowledged through belt system – starting with while belt for a beginner, yellow, green and blue for intermediate learner and black belt for advanced class completion. Testing for each belt takes place every three months and children are taught to strive hard for their desired goals. The lessons taught in the class, such as respect, self-control and discipline often get carried into academic areas, which makes the kids excel in learning, behavior and grades throughout the year, according to a recent study.

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