San Diego Karate, Find Your Place to Learn Karate and Self Defense

If you are looking to pursue advancement in your understanding of the martial arts, and develop a level of self defense that will protect you in bad situations, you have found the right place. San Diego Karate experts are here to assist you in learning to master a higher level of awareness of your surroundings. Your balance will become more refined as you progress through a level of training with other beginners to work towards attaining confidence in your self-defense techniques. If you have ever been in a messy situation, where you had to act, and it was to no avail, then we have the tools you need to perfect your greatest weapon of self-preservation: yourself.

Our San Diego Karate instructors are here to guide you through the basic drills and steps required to help you in your fighting techniques. The basic stance, and breathing control must first be fully understood before the beginner can move onto more difficult striking combinations and defense mechanisms. It is easy to go too fast, and get carried away in the action, but the beginner must have patience and learn the fundamentals before moving on to the more artistic and powerful part of the training. It is important to remember this and not become wasteful of one’s energy while fighting or training, because it is that combination of energy and momentum that creates a dangerous punch or kick.

Should you choose to progress past just the basics, our instructors are trained to the level of mastery to help you in every step of your way to becoming a master martial artist. A higher level of awareness is a result, and a keen sense of danger, and knowing what to do in certain situations is part of the training. One must know that fighting is only for self defense and must only be used out of the dire necessities of self-preservation, and the protection of one’s family. In San Diego Karate, all aspects of this sacred weapon one would possess are to be clearly understood and outlined.

When training has begun, you will become more fit, more aware, and more confident in your own skin. You will have less fear of any situation than you previously did, and you will actually be able to defend yourself in scary situations in which you might otherwise be defenseless. This is a very exciting opportunity we have here at San Diego Karate.

Welcome to Practical Karate

“Bridging the gap between Traditional Martial Arts and Modern Education”

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